Moshpit by Rob C is a classic old-school flex track filled with testosterone-laden lyricism. While flex raps aren’t exactly known for their strong themes, Moshpit follows the same suit and its ingredients include a heavy dose of how women fall head over heels for the rapper along with a heavy sprinkle of flexing one’s own artistry. Judging a flex rap track over theme is wrong as the metric is different, (read punchlines/technicalities] I must say Rob C doesn’t disappoint!

To be candid, I must admit that the music by Harry Spark is honestly what piqued my interest in this song.
Mashpit samples the legendary “Real Slim Shady” melody over a boom bap beat and a faster snare pattern.
The beat initially sounds a bit weird owing to its muffled nature and how we all are so used to the original Slim Shady. But on multiple listens, the beat grows on you and you agree with Rob when he savs at the end “Let the beat run”
Rob C is a polarising artist in the desi hip hop scene but if there is one think which we all can agree is that the former KKG member has bars. In a flex track, what matters to me is the rhymes and the technicalities. And lucky for us, Moshpit was a mix of everything.
From exemplary vocabulary (ever heard +abernacle in a dhh track?] to creative punchlines (fist up – hiccups, mark-sheets] and a sick rhyme scheme, Moshpit had it all. My only gripe with the track was the standard Rob C flow [needed more switches] and a very long/average chorus.
PS – Rob C spitting in English ››
- Put your fists up, I am here to give you hiccups
- Woh deti mujhe marks in the sheet, call them mark sheets
- Mic pe yeh hard, par sakdko pe all ice, karna chaahte beef, yeh gaana jaise war cry
- With a pen I am playing Scrabble, rap is my tabernacle
- I was rhyming when my haters were still sucking on their mama’s tits