The Atypicality of Madheera

Ranging from mainstream to independent or underground, Hip-Hop has it all. From singles with a catchy production to story-mode albums, we as a DHH audience have experienced all types of genres addressed in these projects. All this until Madheera, a path-breaking rather incongruous album released by Shauharty and ARSLAN blessed the core audience’s ears.

Listeners were enthralled by the all-new sound and genre introduced by the debut album of Flamboyant Farookh. The almost constant old crackling followed by the way ARSLAN sampled old sounds and music into a beat Shauharty could easily steer to make a piece of music sound so unfinished yet complete is still enjoyed by many listeners.

Diverse music and flow ranging from “NUKKADNATAK 1:” to “Surpanakha” to intensely written lyrics in “BVB-Prelude” sampled and produced by saheb pakeezah was all too new for the audience to consume in the very first listen.

Hence, the replay value this project holds is one of the most in the underground scene.

Madheera Tracklist

Madheera: A One-of-a-Kind Musical Journey

Hooks written like “aake lever meri kheeche bhai saab meri” in “BVB Prelude” that don’t make much sense at first to the well-executed hook present in “Baqaa Basheer” nawabjaan has switched styles with every song and beat which makes this album all the more diverse. “Naye daur ka hu abul fazl” is how he chooses to introduce himself which in fact is very true.

Simple-to-understand lyrics that make you jibe with him are instantly substituted by lyrics that don’t make sense at first but upon listening closely for a couple more times make sense, is how Shauharty has played with his lyrics game. After every listen, hitting the yet unplumbed parts of Madheera will leave you restless and wanting to play it again. Or should I say, that is what “Madheera” actually means!


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Shirish Tripathi

<p>I've been into content writing for a few months, and like to talk about whats rather unheard in DHH. I've been following mainstream and underground for a couple of years now and like to express about what i like in musical projects through words.</p>

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